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DSSI - Digital Services & Senior's Inclusion
The potential of Libraries & Communities Alliance in the post COVID Era
Cooperation partnerships in adult education
- Project number: 2022-1-IE01-KA220-ADU-000088199
- Project Duration: 31.12.2022 - 31.12.2024
About Us
The DSSI project has a consortium composed of 6 organisations from 5 different countries.
The DSSI project aims to promote the rights of older people (low-skilled, living in remote areas, with mobility difficulties, migrants, etc.) to access information and lifelong learning. Therefore, the project will enable them to enjoy the right to participate in everyday society as independent citizens, through digitally active ageing.
This is facilitated by the use of library networks, as their role is starting to evolve into a hub for digital information and services, due to the accelerated digital transformation of the post-COVID era.

About the project

Aim of the DSSI project
The DSSI program aims to foster the rights of individuals of older age (under skilled, living in remote areas, phasing mobility difficulties, migrants, etc.) to access information and lifelong learning and enjoy the right of participation in everyday society as independent citizens, through digitally active ageing.
The project is using the wide network of libraries as a digital information hub where senior citizens can acquire basic digital skills and apply their knowledge on searching and accessing the fantastic range of libraries digital services on health and wellbeing, lifelong learning, cultural and social connectivity and finally e-commerce and e-governance.
The following priorities of adult education will be realized with the implementation of the DSSI project:
- Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport.
- Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity.
- Developing forward-looking learning centres.